Having a QS estimate helps you in estimating the cost of a project, calculating the progress payments and monitoring the progress of a project. It also helps you in controlling the cost of the project. It also helps you in estimating the number of alterations and renovations that will be done on your property.
Cost control
Identifying and controlling costs during the construction project is the responsibility of a quantity surveyor. This professional has extensive expertise in construction cost management. He or she can help to save costs while ensuring that the project meets the required standards.
Quantity surveying is a discipline that includes all aspects of financial matters relating to construction projects. In general, this profession is involved in cost and contract administration from inception to closeout.
The process of cost control involves three basic stages: cost estimation, rate analysis and cost control. Depending on the type of work, each stage may be performed differently.
Estimating costs requires a thorough approach, as poor information can result in unnecessary costs. The process starts with identifying a list of items and components. The estimated sums are then calculated and formatted into a Bill of Quantities. These documents are then issued to each contractor for pricing purposes.
Value engineering is an approach to the design and development of projects that aims to minimize costs without sacrificing performance or reliability. In this process, the design team works closely with the QS to develop a cost plan that reflects the budget.
Cost control estimating is the follow-up to budget development and must account for market conditions, specification changes and other additional information. The document must also be updated as the project design progresses.
Estimators may also be involved in the preparation of construction schedules and cost control reports. They may also be required to prepare a database of contractors and evaluate tenders. They may also be required to certify the application of payments.
Cost control estimating also needs to account for scope creep. Unnecessary costs often creep into the design stage, which can become a significant issue later on.
Monitoring progress
Using a construction camera can provide an extended view of your construction project. This allows you to track the eminent domains of your construction project. Using a construction camera paired with a quality construction manager can ensure the project is a success from the get go. This can help ensure you get the most out of your budget. Using a construction camera to monitor the construction project has many benefits. These include ensuring the project is on time, on budget and on schedule. Using a construction camera to monitor the progress of your construction project will ensure you are able to focus on the things that really matter.
The biggest challenge to overcome is making sure you have a quality construction manager that will take the best care of your construction project. Using a quality construction manager can save you thousands of dollars in lost productivity due to poor performance.
Alterations and renovations
Typically, alterations and renovations involve modifying or replacing existing building components. These types of projects can also include the addition of new elements, extending floor space, and increasing the height of a building. However, before starting any alterations and renovations, an Architect must assess whether or not the work will affect the functionality or accessibility of the building. The Architect can also determine whether or not the addition will comply with the Uniform Code for Accessible Buildings and Facilities.
The design process for alterations and renovations is different than that for new construction projects. For example, the design team may need to meet to discuss the design program and expectations of the project. Also, they should exchange ideas and lessons learned. These technical “partnering” sessions can help to clarify expectations for the project and allow for more precise definition of the scope of work.
Additionally, the contractor may be expected to measure quantities based on the schedule of work. This instructional list provides the contractor with the information he or she needs to calculate quantities for the project. On larger projects, a bill of quantities may also be prepared. This document is normally only prepared for projects that involve a larger scope of work. Depending on the scope of the work, the contractor may also be required to complete a site analysis of the utilities.