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How Much Is Labour For Electricians?

Many homeowners don’t feel comfortable tackling electrical issues, such as a faulty outlet or a circuit breaker that keeps tripping. A licensed electrician is necessary to make sure the work is safe and up to code.

But how much does it cost to labour for an electrician? Here are some of the factors that impact this.

Hourly Rates

If you’re an electrician, it’s important to understand how to calculate labor rates to ensure that your prices are competitive and profitable. The type of job, building size and materials involved, components’ accessibility, and location play a role in your final labour costs.

Electrical contractors use a system of hours called ‘labor units’ to determine the cost of a project. The unit is based on a number of factors including job complexity, worker skills, and experience. The best way to determine an hourly rate is to ask for a quote from a qualified pro. You should also shop around for the best rates.

The location and urgency of a project also affect labour costs. If the problem is in a hard-to-reach place, it will take more time to fix. For example, a homeowner may need to break into their ceiling or crawlspace to replace a faulty fixture. The homeowner may need to pay a higher fee for this work than someone with a simpler issue, like replacing a light switch.

If you’re a home owner, you can save on labour costs by doing some of the work yourself. Some simple problems, such as a tripped circuit breaker, can be easily fixed by simply turning off the power to that part of the house and switching the breaker off. If you’re comfortable with basic wiring, you can install a new outlet or switch yourself.

Travel Time

One of the biggest factors in labor costs is how long it takes an electrician to get to your home. If you live in a remote area or need an electrician to drive a significant distance for a job, you can expect to pay extra for travel time. Some pros even charge a separate trip fee.

Other major factors include the type of work that needs to be completed and the day and time that you need the work done. Urgent jobs or those that need to be completed on weekends, holidays, or after hours usually cost more than work that is scheduled during regular business hours.

Some upgrades or repairs will also increase labor costs. For example, changing 2-slot outlet receptacles to 3-slot outlets that can accept 3 prong plugs is an easy project for a journeyman electrician but may cost more if you need the electrician to run conduit or reorganize circuit breakers in your electrical panel to facilitate the upgrade.

Rewiring a whole house is another major upgrade that is not recommended for homeowners to perform on their own because it can be dangerous and it’s almost always required to be performed by a licensed master electrician in order to obtain an electrical permit and make sure that the work is up to code.


When it comes to electrical work, there are a number of parts that need to be bought, including electrical wires and outlet faceplates and covers. These are often based on a per-project basis. The electrician will charge for the cost of these materials and include them in their pricing estimate.

If a wall needs to be opened up for the electrician to access wiring, there will also be a cost to install new drywall. This can add up to an extra $1.50 to $3 per square foot, depending on the size of the room.

An electrical panel upgrade might be needed to accommodate new appliances that have a higher power demand than older ones. This can lead to frequently tripped breakers and overloads if the existing panel isn’t properly sized for the current load. This upgrade will be around $600.

It’s important that homeowners understand what their options are when it comes to hiring an electrician for work on their home’s electricity system. One mistake could result in extensive damage, serious injury or death, and even violation of building codes.

If a homeowner feels that their electrician is overcharging for their services, they can always ask them to provide the pricing breakdown of their work so they can compare it with other electricians’ prices. This will help them decide whether or not they need to continue shopping for a more affordable option.


Licensed electricians carry professional liability insurance, which protects them from legal fees that could result from accusations that their work wasn’t up to code. This type of insurance is typically available as a standalone policy or can be purchased to boost the limits on an existing commercial property, auto, or general liability insurance policy.

Many of the smallest electrical jobs require the services of a professional. Electricians can add outlets and ceiling fans, upgrade a fuse box or circuit breaker panel, troubleshoot problems like shorted wires and blown fuses, and install security systems and smart home devices.

When hiring an electrician, it’s best to get as many tasks wrapped up in one service call as possible. This will allow you to make the most of the initial hourly rate and save money on the minimum call-out fee. It’s also a good idea to do a walk-through of your home before calling in the pro to identify any additional tasks you want to complete.

Hiring a professional electrician to perform a variety of tasks can cost anywhere from $50-$100 per hour, including the first hour. It’s important to hire a pro who is licensed, has excellent customer reviews, and can provide references upon request. It’s also important to get a written contract, detailed warranty, and payment schedule in place before the work begins.